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Stable Design

At JPLUS EQUINE, we have been working with a wide range of clients: Stud farms, Racing Stables, Riding schools, Arabian Horse Stablesand more, meeting their needs with beautiful, sustainable solutions. These imaginative barn design ideas cater for projects large and small, whether you’re an individual or an equine centre. Each one is architecturally designed.

Our skilled Architects will come up with a bespoke stable solution to suit your specific horse stable design layout needs for your consideration, based on years of successful stable projects. Whether you are looking for Internal Stable, external stables or an external barn design  we can help you.


JPLUS EQUINE is specializing in planning, designing, and project management for sites and structures used by the horse community. We provide services nationally, and internationally.

Our goal is to translate your vision of a creative, beautiful and exciting environment for horses and people into reality. We do this by carefully listening to your dreams and finding ways to achieve them in harmony with the natural features of your location and within the guidelines of responsible planning.

At JPLUS EQUINE, We give personal attention to every client’s requirements throughout the entire equestrian facility development process. At the same time, we professionally manage and incorporate aesthetically durable health and safety design aspects in the Stable projects, from inception through construction.


P.O. Box: 126654, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Mobile: +971 55 3272760, +971 50 3840036



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