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Horse Walkers

The horsewalker has been since the middle of the 20th century an important element in every farm. We guess that a lot of breeders realised the benefits of having their horses exercised. As there were no manufacturers making them on a regular basis, many of these farmers decided to make one by their own. Often they were made of anything lying around the farm.

Nowadays, horse exercisers are an essential element on yards of all equestrian disciplines. There are several reasons for using a horse walker. To give a horse the fresh air and moving freedom when he doesn’t have the facilities to go in the fields for example. But also It can be seen as an extra training for the animal. A horse that has a good stamina is far less likely to get injured.


Benefits of the horse exerciser:

  • Warm up and cool down of the equine athlete.

  • Exercise multiple horses at the same time.

  • Free moving exercise (no lunging on lounge line).

  • Improves the equine condition and stamina.

  • Rehabilitation of injured horses.

Frequent exercise in a horse trainer added to an optimal nutrition can achieve:

  • Fewer health problems.

  • Significantly fewer leg and hoof problems.

  • Better muscle development, especially the back      muscles.

  • Improved suppleness and reflexes.

  • Significantly fewer injuries.

  • Less risk of ataxic defects (free walk).

  • 60% less risk of osteochondrosis dissecans.

  • Less risk of arthritis.

We would like to offer you some advices of how to introduce your horses for first time inside the horse exerciser; please, take in consideration that these are only general recommendations and can not be taken as unique leading system. The horse coach should observe the reactions and adapt the training session to the physical condition of every horse trained in a horse walker.

Previously it is advisable to turn off electrical power to the electric fence; a lead rope would introduce the horse in the walk way and while someone else operates the control box. Keep inside walking together with the horse for at least two rounds, helping the horse to get use of the machine, the dimensions and of the new training dynamic. When the horse feels confidence, stop the machine and set up on the computer a direction change. Assisting the horse to make the turn is important, take the time and keep on going for another two more rounds. At this point, when possible, we recommend leaving the horse inside and introducing another experienced horse inside the horse walker. Ideally leave a space free in between both horses, and re-start the machine. This experienced horse will calm down and lead the inexperienced horse.


P.O. Box: 126654, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Mobile: +971 55 3272760, +971 50 3840036



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